Historic Quill & Document Co.
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The History of The Quill Pen
The writing Quill pen came into use in the seventh century after the Reed
pen, and remained the preeminent writing instrument for most of the Western
World for over a thousand years. Some of the best pens were made from the
flight feathers of geese. The word pen comes from the Latin word "Penna"
which means feather. After plucking the wing feathers, the barrel or shaft
needed to be carved. To cut the pens a sharp knife was needed, hence the word
"penknife". Scribes and stationers carved, sharpened, and slit the point (nib)
for writing, hence the word "stationary".
No two quills write the same because of the development of the shaft and the
carving by the quill maker. Therefore, each pen is as unique as the writer.
It is a tedious task and a skilled art to select,
clean, and trim each writing quill.